添加时间:That changed during the Industrial Revolution, when universities went from simply disseminating knowledge to pushing back its frontiers。 James Watt developed the modern steam engine while repairing an inefficient early model at the University of Glasgow。 His refinements led to the widespread use of steam power for manufacturing and transport。
不仅如此,京海担保在格力的重要发展关头都承担了若隐若现的重要作用, 2019年4月国资出让15%格力电器股份,京海担保更被认为是潜在的接盘人之一。京海担保的出生,让格力电器与经销商团队坐在一艘战船上。而销售渠道体系的成熟与良性运作,使得格力电器的销售势如破竹,获得了高速增长,并确立了中国空调业龙头的地位,同时也不断强化和提升了其内生增长能力,公司盈利能力逐年提升,品牌溢价能力也逐年提升(图3、图4)。
In 2014, we expanded HIRP to support a wider range of scientists whose basic research aligns with our business。 To date, the program has funded 1,200 projects, many of which have successfully been commercialized。 For example, the noise canceling technology that we developed together with the Technical University of Munich is used in mobile phones。 We also work closely with Professor Josef Nossek, a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, whose application of wireless concepts to optical communications has reduced the power consumption of chips used in certain optical transmission products。